Monday 17 June 2013

Art Deco illustrations

Here are my final illustrations I have produced for this project. I am very pleased with how they came out - however I do think I could do better on some of them.

Art Deco inspired textile

Illustrator research

Maren Esdar

Maren Esdar’s striking mixed-media collages contain a surrealist tendency that leads audiences to a strange, dream-like dimension. Educated in both Hamburg and London, Maren’s creations are made with a combination of the classical technique of cutting and pasting with digital rendering. Her work often contains images that transform objects and accessories into genuine narrations, with references to nature philosophy and literature.”
-Dash Magazine
Esdar uses a lot of different techniques to put her illustrations together. What she gets out of it is a very unique image that looks great and makes your imagination work a lot more and see different collages in it.


Richard Grey

Richard Grey is a fashion illustrator with amazing skills to put all the different techniques and make them look very professional. Using textures as well as clean lined crisscross in the hair. A lot of scribbles and newspaper cut outs to make collages for outfits make his illustrations a lot different to what you see in the work of Chanel.




GIVENCHY by Riccardo Tisci

Riccardo Tisci, the 38-year-old designer, reinvented Givenchy, turned around its fortunes, and conquered both the runways of Paris and the streets of Atlanta. But he also did something much more risky: Molly Young infiltrates the atelier of the man who got Kanye West to wear a skirt
-“Fashion illustration” book

Givenchy’s garments are very post modernistic which can be seen in the prints he uses as well as the construction of his garments. Also due to them being very simple, they look more sophisticated with extravagant prints.


Molly Grad

“’My thoughts are directly linked with a pencil’, says Molly Grad, a recipient o Colin Barnes and Nina De Yorke illustration awards. After completing her military service, Grad, an Iraeli, enrolled at Central Saint Martins in London which she earned BA and MA degrees, both with distinction, and won the 2005 ChloĆ© Award for Best Designer. Grad has worked with Stella McCartney and Yves Saint Laurent. ‘Drawing plays a key in my work,’ she says. ‘It is the starting position where all ideas come from and the finishing point, when it used as a detailed technical sketch, which [in turn] used as a base to make a collection’.”
-“Fashion illustration” book
Molly grad uses a lot of abstract and controversial objects together to give the post modernistic look to her illustrations. Personally, I think it is something very personal and her work is really something completely different to what other illustrators present. It has a story line behind it.

 Jens Laugesen

“When other designers are getting nostalgic about the 60s it is great to see clothing that looks ultra-modern and reflects the somber times we live in, rather than some future past.”
Iain R Webb, Fashion director, ELLE
Jens’ work is done in black and white which gives it a very post modernistic look and it shows what Jens’ opinion is on the world. Looking at his work, he knew what the world is like and what society is doing to the world – how it is changing all of us inside and also how it influences our style.

Post modernism designs

Post modernism

POST MODERNISM is a general and wide ranging term which is applies in art, literature, philosophy and other cultural parts. It is a reaction to the thoughts of humanity on reality- it is explaining what the world is really like a giving people a different view on world and how it functions. Post modernism is what our minds think the world is about, mostly in bad ways - how destructive it is to the society and how much it affects the way we think and the way we all progress in life.

Fashion is a very subjective topic. It is what people use to express their style, the way they are, their personality, their views, their likes and dislikes. It all depends on what you feel like and what you, yourself want to represent. Postmodernism is linked to fashion through the way people express their views in for example politics or different campaigns which could be against fur.

The distinction between reality and media has collapsed, and we now live in a “reality” defined by images and representations. Anything can be art, anything can deserve to reach an audience, and culture “eats itself” as there is no longer anything new to produce or distribute. Contemporary movies expressing modern views on history like “Easy A” a modernistic expression of “Scarlett Letter”. Everybody has different views on everything and this movie shows how different everyone is and easily we judge people by the simple things. Post modernism is quite closely linked to the way the movie was created, due to expressing people’s thoughts on culture and literature.

Combining new ideas with traditional forms, postmodernist buildings may startle, surprise, and even amuse. Familiar shapes and details are used in unexpected ways. Buildings may incorporate symbols to make a statement or simply to delight the viewer. Throughout architecture the artist can express a lot of politic views through materials and style of the building they choose.

Sottsass was making a political statement. They attempted to break down the barriers between high class and low class. To some, this concept was alien but to others it offered freedom. Sottsass thought that art is all about being individual and having your own, also being able to express it in your own way without being rational. He liked the idea of having a simple objects and making it abstract and showing culture through it.